Bricks at the Marketing Festival
Date(s): 19/06/2015 - 20/06/2015
All Day
Palacongressi di Rimini
With 22 rooms, 120 speakers, more than 120 events, the Marketing Festival in Rimini is an important and famous event. On the 19th June 2015, a panel was dedicated to the hate speech issue: “Online Hate speech: lies, racism and freedom of expression” is the title. The speakers were Davide Bennato (University of Catania), Brahim Maarad (journalist and blogger), Sara Cerretelli (COSPE) and Letizia Materassi (University of Florence).
Starting from the experience of the European project “Bricks against hate speech”, promoted by COSPE, the experts discussed the best practices for the prevention and fight against online racist, how to promote a positive use of web and social network and to guarantee the freedom of expression. More than 600 participants attended at the plenary session.
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