European synthesis on the experimentation of training modules combating hate speech and discriminations

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Nov 102016

The European project BRICkS– Building Respect on the Internet by Combating Hate Speech – aims to combat the spread of online hate speech against migrants and minorities through media literacy and active involvement of web users and web content producers. In this framework, four media education modules -one in each country involved in the project (Italy, Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic)- were designed to raise awareness about fighting online discriminations and hate speech. These training modules were implemented in schools and youth centers between September 2015 and November 2016.

This report provides a synthesis about the design and the experimentation process of these training modules in each national context. It has been elaborated thanks to the materials produced and also collected by each national team: modules description, logbooks from trainers or teachers, quantitative data, examples of students’ productions and finally, some pictures from the workshops.  Continue reading »

Hate speech regulations or free speech restrictions?

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für Hate speech regulations or free speech restrictions?
Mrz 042016

This article was published on PRISM Project web site, and it focuses on the complex question of freedom of speech.

Where is the borderline between personal opinion, freedom of expression and hate speech? Certainly, there is a thin line between free speech and hate speech, and the damage results consists on the offense caused to the victims. In many circumstances, we can only choose to protect the rights of others by prohibiting certain kinds of speech.

It is important to understand what the danger of not taking actions against these negative comments is: not react facilitate the spread of hate speech among users. Therefore, we have to play a positive role in combating hate speech by challenging offensive views, as actors of civil society too.

Read the article here